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What is the difference between a Tax ID and a VIES VAT ID?

A Tax ID and a VIES VAT ID serve different purposes:

Tax ID (Tax Identification Number): Used for general tax identification within a country.

  • Purpose: A general identifier used by tax authorities to track an individual's or entity's tax obligations and records within a specific country.
  • Usage: Used for various tax-related processes, including filing returns, paying taxes, and other national tax matters.
  • Example: In Germany, this might be your Steueridentifikationsnummer (Tax Identification Number).

VIES VAT ID (Value Added Tax Identification Number): Specifically for VAT transactions within the EU.

  • Purpose: A specific type of Tax ID used for VAT purposes within the European Union.
  • Usage: Required for businesses engaging in cross-border transactions within the EU. It allows for the verification of VAT registration status and ensures compliance with EU VAT regulations.
  • Example: A German company trading with other EU countries will need a VAT ID for VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) purposes.

In summary, while a Tax ID is used for general tax identification, the VIES VAT ID is specifically for VAT transactions within the EU. Understanding the difference is crucial for compliance with national and EU tax regulations.


Tip: To verify the VAT number of your EU business partner, you can use the VIES VAT number validation tool.