I am blocked for OSS. What should I do?

If you are blocked or excluded from OSS by the tax office, the blocking period is typically 2 years. Here are solutions depending on whether you store goods abroad or not:


For Clients Using Warehouses Abroad:

  1. Register for Local VAT Numbers:
    • Multiple Countries: You will need to register for VAT in each country where your warehouses are located. This will allow you to continue your operations and comply with local VAT regulations. πŸŒπŸ“
  2. Consider Local Fulfillment Services:
    • If managing multiple VAT registrations is complex, consider using local fulfillment services to minimize cross-border transactions. This can streamline your operations and reduce administrative burdens. πŸ“¦πŸ’

For Clients Using Warehouses Abroad: Register for local VAT numbers and consider local fulfillment services.


For Clients Not Storing Goods Abroad:

  1. Individual Country Registrations:
    • Register for VAT in each country where you sell goods, even if you do not store goods there. This will enable you to continue selling across borders while complying with local VAT laws. πŸ›’πŸŒ
  2. Digital Services:
    • If you sell digital services, consider using the non-Union OSS scheme, which might have different requirements. This can simplify your VAT obligations for digital products. πŸ’»πŸ’‘

For Clients Not Storing Goods Abroad: Register for VAT in each country you sell to and consider the non-Union OSS scheme for digital services.


Blocking Period:

  1. Understand the Consequences:
    • Be aware that the blocking period for OSS is typically 2 years. During this time, you will not be able to use the OSS scheme and must comply with local VAT registrations. ⏳⚠️
  2. Reapply for OSS:
    • Once the 2-year blocking period is over, you can reapply for OSS. Ensure that all previous compliance issues are addressed to prevent future blockages. πŸ“…πŸ”„
  3. Consultation:
    • Schedule a consultation with your Customer Success Manager to discuss the best course of action tailored to your specific situation. They can provide guidance and support through the process. πŸ“žπŸ‘₯
    Blocking Period: Understand the 2-year block, plan to reapply, and consult with your Customer Success Manager.


    These steps will help you navigate the challenges of being excluded from the OSS scheme and ensure continued compliance with VAT regulations.